Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP calls for Independent reporting service in the care sector

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Appearing on Prime Time TV Dr Rosena Allin-Khan discusses her policies and calls for Independent reporting service in the care sector.


Dr Rosena Allin-Khan entered parliament in 2016 as the MP for Tooting and has served as a Labour Shadow Minister, now standing to be the Labour deputy leader with enough support to get herself on the ballot paper, she was invited onto the Andrew Marr Show on BBC one to discuss her policies.

She is an NHS Doctor who still practices and making a big change to social care is the policy on top of her list which she is most passionate about. It is a professional and personal policy that she wants to make a big change in. Speaking on the Andrew Marr show Dr Rosena Allin-Khan said "I have experience of being a daughter finding her father bloodied and bruised and unconscious in the very place that is meant to protect him. Never being able to get the answers as to what's happened" she continued, "When I do shifts in the A&E, when I do weekends and nights shifts, I see families who are coming in are sharing the same experiences."

Dr Rosena Allin-Khan is calling for a fully funded, fully integrated social and NHS system to protect our most venerable older people. She wants to see mandatory CCTV with an opt out clause, older people advocates and truly independent reporting system for people who fear their loved ones in danger!

These are the exact reasons Say So was setup in 2017. To provide a truly independent reporting tool for staff or loved ones to share issues or concerns they have that may affect the standard of service or product delivery from an organisation with the ability to report anonymously should they wish to protect their identity.


Shaun Keep Founder of Say So said:

"We at Say So are pleased that national broadcast media are now fully in the loop with the concerns of such an eminent and qualified person as Dr Rosena Allin-Khan. Her comments to Andrew Marr on Sunday re - enforce the message that we have been promoting for 3 years - namely an independent reporting service MUST be in place in care homes to reduce care failures and raise standards. Nothing short of this is good enough and the benefits to all parties are huge"


Paul Adams Founder of Say So said:

"Very very pleased to see Dr Rosena Allin-Khan talking about the care sector on Andrew Marrs show on Sunday. It was a breath of fresh air and being a medical professional, she obviously understands it all to well. It has been a long time coming for someone in a position like Dr Khan to recognise the significance of an independent reporting service within the care sector. To deal with the never-ending issues that surround the treatment and care of our most vulnerable in society and the issues that face the staff daily. I say this recognising that 99% of the people working in this sector do an amazing job. It is quite apparent Dr Rosena Allin-Khan cares and I congratulate her on confronting the issues in the care sector that so many people just pay lip service to. It's taken a Doctor and a daughter of a victim of abuse to highlight these concerns in the adult care sector and get people to listen. That in itself is a little progress."


We believe an independent reporting service MUST be in place in care homes and facilities that care for our most vulnerable. Dr Rosena Allin-Khan may be the underdog however with a policy to improve social care with an independent reporting facility we would welcome a face to face meeting with her showing her the benefits Say So can make to the social sector. The Independent Reporting Facility she wants to get in place already exists and we welcome her re-enforcing message that we have been promoting for the last 3 years.